
  1. Octave Discord Bot
  2. Octave Mandolin
  3. Octave Online
  4. Octave Bot

ORIGIN.—It is the number seven, not eight, that plays the principal role in Jewish heortology, and dominates the cycle of the year.Every seventh day is a sabbath; the seventh month is sacred; the seventh year is a sabbatical year. The Octave is the industry leader in turn down ratio for any solid-state meter. The Octave 2″-4″ offer a minimum 1000:1 flow measurement ratio. By comparison, three other ultrasonic water meters on the market have a turndown ratio of 320:1 ratio on their 2″ ultrasonic meter.

Octave Discord Bot


Audio filters, custom playlists, more audio sources. We've got it all!

Octave Mandolin

Lag Free

We've invested in a powerful infrastructure for the most seamless experience possible!

Easy to use

Our commands are simple and easy to use for anyone in your server!

Constant Updates

Octave Online

We are always adding and improving on new features! Competitive is our middle name!

Keeping your experience fresh with innovative features

Octave offers a plethora of features to enhance your listening experience. Audio filters, custom playlists, and a multitude of supported audio sources are just a handful of details that help to offer a refined and unique experience for everyone.

It's easy to get started listening to music with Octave

Unlike other bots, you don't have to run 2-3 commands to start playing a song. It's as simple as joining a voice channel and running the play command with your search query and the bot will automatically join and start playing music. It really can't be any easier.

Octave Bot

Add our bots to your server today!

Add Octave for the premium music bot experience, and add Octave Canary for an alpha version of upcoming updates to Octave. Additionally, add both so your server can listen to music in two channels at once!
Add OctaveAdd Octave Canary